понедельник, 18 марта 2013 г.

7 Miracle-working Products Which Help You to Burn Fat and Loose Weight

Interesting fact! Renee Zellweger gained more than 30 pounds for her leading part in Bridget Jones's Diary in 2001 and it's sequel in 2004. Moreover, she managed to loose all extra weight twice after filming.

Sometimes it's very difficult to squeeze some "me time" into my hectic schedule and find some time for workout. But I still want to have a sporty look. I've been wondering: how to eat without gaining weight? So I did a little research and found 7 miracle-working products that help me to burn fat and lose weight. Here is my little advice: try to include a little amount of each of these products into your daily menu.


Average drinking water is essential for every human being. It’s especially important if you have set your mind on loosing weight. Lack of fresh water cause weakness and giddiness; blood glucose level lowers and metabolism slows down (which are the main soldiers in our fight against extra weight).

Green tea

This beverage prevents Cardiovascular diseases and cancer; fastens metabolism. Besides, drinking 5 cups of green tea a day you will burn 70-80 calories.


This fruit lowers insulin level which leads to appetite decrease. Eating half of grapefruit with every meal or drinking 150 g of grapefruit juice will help you to loose 2 kg in 2 weeks. So the scientists say. I think it’s worth trying. 


This sweet spice lowers blood glucose level and helps to digest food more effectively. Eat ¼ teaspoon of cinnamon with every meal, so high blood glucose level won’t cause new fat deposits

Low-fat dairy products

Non-fat or low-fat curds, kefir, sour cream will enrich your body with calcium and increase producing of hormone calcitriol which helps to burn fat.Protein is a basis for muscle building. The more muscles you have the more calories you burn, even when you’re having a rest. So don’t forget to add chicken breast, fish, egg white, and turkey into your daily menu. 

Spicy food

Spicy food will make you sweat, increase heartbeat and hastens metabolism which will lead to weight loosing.

But don’t go too far with this foodstuff because besides it your body requires proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.

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