пятница, 22 марта 2013 г.

Menu For Flat Stomach

Interesting Fact! Charlize Theron believes that eating small portions during a day is a great way to improve your metabolism. That is why she eats six times a day but in small portions.

How to achieve flat stomach without torturing yourself with diets? I’ve tried plenty of different diets to achieve it. But all of them were ineffective and required a lot of restrictions. So I found out about new highly effective  method. This is an example of my diet . Variation is acceptable, provided that you include certain products in your menu that help you fight with fat.
I know it sounds unreal but in fact it works. Lots of men and women have lost extra weight in stomach area thanks to that diet. Here is the top 5 of miracle-working products: olives, nuts and seeds, avocado, vegetable oil, and darkchocolate. That’s right – CHOCOLATE. To get rid of fat around your waist you should eat fat! 

The authors of that diet are American dietologist Cynthia Sass and chief editor of Prevention.com Liz Vaccariello. The main basis of their diet is one of the latest invention in dietology. By increasing the amount of good fat on you menu and reducing the amount of bad fat, you loose weight not only faster but in the right places (it means you get rid of those nasty folds of fat on your tummy and hips). 
The secret
Good fat is monosaturated fat acids (olives, nuts and seeds, avocado, vegetable oil, and dark chocolate). They are not only delicious they also make you feel full and we don’t feel hunger even when we eat smallportions. Cynthia and Liz suggest dividing your day into four food intakes and each time include one of the products stated below. 
As for the bad fat, you will have to forget about semi-products, sweets, bakery, and fast-food. 

Plan of action
The program is divided into two phases. The first phase takes four days. Its goal to improve gastrointestinal tract functioning and get rid of bloating. By the way, bloating can be the real reason of your problem. If it is true, bloating will vanish in a few days time.
The second phase takes four weeks. During this period you will pull up you abs, put your digestive system in order, and show off your stunning figure in a new pair of jeans. 

How to get rid of bloating

Start your day with two types of cellulose
Combination of soluble and insoluble cellulose works great if you suffer from constipation and fastens removal of extra fat from your body. You feel lighter, weigh less and you stomach looks flat.

 Fall on potassium
Bananas, avocados, potatoes are rich with potassium. They help to remove excessive body fluid, thereby reducing a few more inches around your belly and hips. Excess fluid is the result of disbalance between sodium and potassium which occurs due to our misuse of salt, sauces, etc. Make yourself drop the habit of salting your food (you can use spices instead) and try to get 4700 mg of potassium a day (it’s about 4,5 glass of potassium-rich products; see below) 
For example: 1 middle-sized baked potato, 1 banana, 1 papaya, avocado, ½ glass of tomato sauce, ½ glass of boiled spinach, 1 orange. 

Stop eating caramel, chewing gum, and soda
When we drink something through a straw or when we swallow rapidly or suck a caramel, lots of “spare” air accumulates in our digestive system which causes flatulence and bloating.
Start chewing food slowly, drink mineral water and replace chewing gum with dry fruits, nuts, etc. 
 Be careful with raw vegetables and fruits! Fresh vegetables and fruits have an amazing health-improving effect. But if you eat too much at once, your stomach stretches, thereby making your belly look bigger.
Divide 5 portions of fruits and 7 portions of vegetables between food intakes and use steam cooker, grill, etc. Cooked vegetables and fruits are always smaller in size. 
Example of a menu on the first phase of diet
In the morning before breakfast: 1 glass of “Sassy water”. 
Breakfast: 1 glass of porridge + 1 glass of non-fat milk + 180 g of pineapple + ¼ glass of sunflower seeds. 

tunny in its own juice (120 g) + salad (1 glass of boiled carrot and grated cheese) 

fish grill (180 g) + baked potato + 1 glass of string beans + 1 glass of “Sassy water”. 

bilberry smoothy (blend 1 glass of frozen  bilberry, 1 glass of low-fat yogurt and a handful of flax seeds). 
Example of a menu on the second phase of diet

salad (mango + spinach + walnuts) Mix fresh spinach, ½ mango, ¼ sweet red pepper, 4 carrots, and 2 tablespoons of walnuts. Dress the salad with 1 tablespoon of raisins and wine vinegar (2 tablespoons). Serve it up in a half of whole grain pita.
Walnuts are fat fighters here. 
Second breakfast: chocolate-banana yoghurt.
Mix ½ banana with ¼ of chocolate bar and non-fat yoghurt (180 g)
Chocolate is fat fighter here. 

Mediterranean salad.
Boil ½ glass of red lentil and mix it with ½ tablespoon of cherry tomatoes, 1 cucumber, 10 big olives.  Dress the salad with 1 teaspoon of 1 lemon juice. Serve it with half of whole grain pita. 
Olives are fat fighters here. 

hummus with olives and tomato.
Spread 2 whole-grain bread crisps with hummus (2 tablespoons). Put a slice of tomato and 5 halves of olives on top of the bread. Serve it with orange. 
Olives are fat fighters here. 
Recipe of Sassy Water

2 L of water.
1 tablespoons of grated ginger.
1 peeled sliced cucumber.
1 sliced lemon.
12 small leaves of mint

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